次要主题:花草牡丹 ;次要主题:花草月季 玫瑰 蔷薇玫瑰;次要主题:花草茶花山茶;次要主题:花草菊 ;次要主题:花草芙蓉 ;次要主题:花草百合花 ;次要主题:花草 长春花技法:
收藏着录: 石渠宝笈初编(养心殿),上册,页668 收藏着录: 国立故宫博物院缂丝,页14 参考书目: 1.童文娥,〈缂丝富贵长春〉,收入童文娥主编,《缂丝风华 — 宋代缂丝花鸟展图录》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2007年初版一刷),页57。2.童文娥,〈宋缂丝富贵长春〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第300期(2008年3月),页47。 内容简介(中文): 此幅以娇艳盛开的牡丹为主体,蔷薇、菊花、芙蓉陪衬其间,花蕊繁复,枝叶交错,色彩鲜丽明亮,画面充实,极富装饰效果。月季或称为蔷薇、长春花,与牡丹组合成寓意吉祥的「富贵长春」。蓝地五彩织,颜色深浅变化丰富,单瓣牡丹以红丝线用「勾」法缂出边线,花瓣伸展层次丰富,姿态婀娜,十分写实,复瓣牡丹则运用「结」的戗色法,按退晕的色阶层次,逐层减退,突显立体。此作结合了绘画概念、织工技术及吉祥意涵的作品,缂工精密纯熟,为无上精品。 内容简介(英文): The main flowers in this work are peonies in gorgeous bloom with rose, chrysanthemum, and hibiscus blossoms playing supporting roles that fill the spaces. The riot of pistils and stamens compete with the crisscrossing leaves and branches. The colors are also bright and beautiful, making for a solid scene with a strong decorative effect. The China rose shown here is the periwinkle, which is also known as the “flower of everlasting spring.” Its combination with the peony, “king of flowers,” is a metaphor for “riches in an everlasting spring.”The multiple colors woven against a blue background are done in a rich variety of light and dark tones. The individual petals of the peonies have been rendered in the “connecting” tapestry method around the edges using red silk thread for highlighting. The petals spread out in a complex arrangement of layers for numerous poses in a realistic manner. The repeated peony petals were done in the “knotting” method of color propping, the layers of colors gradually fading with wash effects. The result is a volumetric yet decorative quality integrating elements of painting methods, weaving techniques, and auspicious content all into one. The mature skill here also makes this work of unparalleled quality.