戒指杯_Ring-Handled Cup 218462
Phoenix-Headed Ewer_Phoenix-Headed Ewer 35384
装甲守护王(天王)践踏恶魔_Armored Guardian King (Tianwang) Trampling Demon 35367
鸳鸯或雁形式的船只_Vessel in Form of a Mandarin Duck or Wild Goose 105595
用奖章盖的罐子_Covered Jar with Medallions 21809
Jar与循环手柄和奖章_Jar with Loop-Handles and Medallions 21719
条纹和程式化的小花杯_Cup with Streaks and Stylized Florets 21717
条纹和程式化的小花图案的杯子_Cup with Streaks and Stylized Floret Patterns 42277
女音乐家_Female Musician 49603