花瓶与花纹和花卉装饰_Vase with Figural and Floral Decoration 59466
瓶形花瓶_Bottle-Shaped Vase 45461
与风格化莲花的盘_Dish with Stylized Lotus Flowers 46163
梨形瓶_Pear-Shaped Bottle 42411
立场上的微型花瓶_Miniature Vases on Stand 147035
Lobed Dish with Lotus Scrolls_Lobed Dish with Lotus Scrolls 195394
用于四个云形脚的花盆的Lobed盆地_Lobed Basin for Flowerpot with Four Cloud-Shaped Feet 12543
方形菜与长寿和不朽的象征_Square Dish with Symbols of Longevity and Immortality 195397